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BakerAg Agribusiness Industry Update

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Andrew and Gavin attended the latest BakerAg Agribusiness Industry Update last week.

It was a very interesting update with the BakerAg team providing their view on the key current issues that the Primary sector is facing and the impact these will have on farmers and farming in the regions.



Topics covered included:

  • Stress - listening to Farmers,
  • Proposals for a National Direction for Freshwater,
  • Integrated farm planning, and
  • Viewing finance and liquidity differently.

A key message from the discussions was that whilst there was a lot of negativity surrounding the industry, and much of this was driven by perception, there are many opportunities to turn these negatives into positives that will ultimately result in better farming business.

One of the key topics covered was the Proposals for a National Direction for Freshwater which will affect a number of farmers if adopted.  These are still proposals with the Government seeking feedback, via submissions which close on 31 October.  We suggest you visit either the DairyNZ or Beef & Lamb website if you are interested in finding out more, or if you would like to use one of their templates to help make a submission.

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